I’m Rachel.
I’m so glad you’re here. Like you, I often wonder where this road, called life, is taking me. I can’t say I know, but I can tell you that I’ve been where you are, and I know it’s not easy.
After my son died, I asked the questions. Wondered why, cried aloud for hours, and wondered what happened to the once confident woman who was in control of her life.
I’ve walked around aimlessly, as if stuck between two worlds, with a constant video playing in my mind of all the things I’d do differently.
I’ve been there, and I want you to know you’re not alone. Not only are you not alone, there’s HOPE.
There’s HOPE.
There’s HOPE.
I’m here to share my journey and to walk alongside you, On The Way to Where You’re Going, with a heart of hope.
Because everyone loves photos…
Family Thanksgiving Trip
Josh ❤️
Called Women’s Conference
Advocating at Our Nation’s Capital Our 20 Year Anniversary
Questions you May Be Afraid to Ask
Q: When did your son die?
A: My son, Josh, died during September of 2016.
Q: Where did your son die?
A: My son died at home. He unknowingly died right below me, as I slept upstairs.
Q: How old was your son?
A: Josh was twenty. He died five days before his twenty-first birthday. After reluctantly deciding to have a funeral, we decided to have it on his birthday as his final birthday bash, complete with balloons, cards, and birthday banners.
Q: How many children do you have? (The once dreaded question.)
A: I have four children: 27, Josh would be 23, 19, and 16.
Not So Scary Questions:
Q: Where are you from?
A: I am originally from Maryland. My husband, children, and I spent seven years in West Virginia, before relocating to Nashville, TN.
Q: What’s your favorite color? (This question must always be asked.)
A: My favorite color is green.
Now, here’s my question for you. Are you ready to find your joy again? It CAN be done. But, it will take a lot of work and time. Are you ready to go on this journey? The first step is always the hardest. Be warned, my post are honest. They are transparent. But, they are real, and sometimes, we all need a little real in our lives.
You can’t have joy without HOPE. Sometimes, the first step in regaining your hope is admitting where you are and realizing someone else has been there and made it out to the other side. Someone knows what it’s like to be in the pit. For this reason, I suggest that you begin our journey together by reading “A Grieving Mother’s Diary.” I’ll see you there!
xoxo ~ Rachel
Feeling alone in your grief?
Visit A Grieving Mother’s Diary.