Since you’re here, I’m assuming things aren’t going so well. Life isn’t going as you expected. Does life get better?
I believe it does. Not because the circumstances get better.
Jobs are lost.
People die.
Accidents happen.
Sometimes, bad things happen that are out of our control. Sometimes, bad things happen that were totally in our control and we were too young, stupid, and ignorant to know any better. But, you know what? We’re always learning. There’s always gonna be something you wish you’d known at the time.
No, life doesn’t get better because your circumstances change. They may. You may have everything you need one day. Life may be glorious. But, that’s not what makes life great.
related post: You deserve to be happy even when life sucks
Life Gets Better Because You Get Better
Life gets better because you get better. You learn. You grow. You become stronger. And you know what, none of it happens without the bad stuff. All that bad stuff you’re experiencing right now is what makes life better later. It builds your character and allows you to gain new perspectives. The truth is, you have no clue how good life is until you’ve experienced just how bad it can be.
I’ve experienced a pretty serious recession. Life was hard. We lost the house and moved over 700 miles away from home.
I’ve lost a job or two. One I quit because of my stupidity, impulsivity, and aching for all things to be right in the world. Another, I quit because I was falsely accused and couldn’t stand for the values of the company. Both hurt. But, I survived.
I’ve lost a child. This has been, by far, the hardest struggle of my life; one of which I will tarry with for the rest of my life I imagine. Still, in all the pain, I grew. I grew wiser, more compassionate, and much, much stronger. Stronger than I ever thought I could be.
Does life get better?
Yeah, it does…
because you get better.
You get better at tackling problems. You get better at finding solutions. You get better at seeing the brighter side of things. You get better at understanding life. You’re just better.
related post: What to do when life sucks
Need More Help?
Perhaps, the following with help you a bit. Here are a few tips to help you find contentment in life:
Let go of the control you don’t have.
You control so much less than you believe you control. In fact, it’s not until things are completely out of control that we realize how little control we had in the first place. Many of us are walking around operating within a measure of perceived control. Let it go. Really. Holding onto something that isn’t real just burdens you down. Look in the mirror and say, “I don’t and can’t control this. I’m laying it down.”
Though it was very, very hard one of the things I learned from the death of my son is that complete control is an oxymoron. It doesn’t exist. You an read more about what I learned from death here.
related post: 10 things death taught me
Acknowledge and thank your mistakes.
Say “thank-you” to those mistakes you’re so embarrassed about; yes, even the really big ones. They are a gift to your future you. One day, you’ll look back and say, “Man, I sure was stupid.” And, when you do, know that you can say that because you NOT stupid anymore. You learned from your mistakes. They grew you and made you into a pretty spectacular person. You know the best part? The cycle never really ends. You just keep getting better and better. So, relax friend, and say thank-you to your mistakes.
Read Related Post: Don’t start over move forward.
Discover how to create happiness in the hardest of times.
Believe it or not, you have the ability to be happy… even when life is a complete and utter disaster. I’m being serious. Learning to be creatively happy is a skill. It’s something you can learn if you’re willing. Learn more about creating happiness here.
Stop the comparative analysis.
Listen, I know you think it’s bad. But, have you considered the fact that maybe you think it’s bad because it appears as if everyone else is doing better. Social media is NOT your friend in this area. Don’t be fooled. That’s a fake roll you’re viewing. You’re seeing the best footage… which probably took hours to capture. Do yourself a favor and stop comparing your life to Perfect Joe’s. His life isn’t nearly what it appears to be.
Be assured that life gets better.
Wake up every morning with a sure confidence that you are right where you need to be learning exactly what needs to be learned. This day is a mere stepping stone. You’re going someplace and won’t be here forever. Life gets better, Friend.
© Rachel Blado All rights reserved.
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