“There were so many things I could have done with my brokenness; so many people waiting to use and abuse the broken in me. Instead, when I placed it in God’s hands, I chose to trust that He knew what to do with my heart.”
As I stood, at my son’s funeral, in front of a crowded room of people, I stood empty-handed; nothing to give. All I had was my broken heart. I knelt before God, and gave it to him. Here’s what happened when I gave my broken heart to God.
When I gave my broken heart to God, I decided to look beyond the onlookers.
All who were looking may have wondered how I could do such a thing. How could I offer anything? I was so broken. Some may have even wondered if my little offering was pure enough. Would God accept or even want what I had to give? Everyone understands when your child dies of cancer. But, what happens when your child’s the drunk driver, the one who overdosed, or the one who completed suicide. What happens?
When there’s a speck on your offering, the onlookers seem to multiply. They come with beliefs, comments, and suggestions. But, like the woman with the issue of blood, when I gave my broken heart to God, I peered beyond the onlookers, and fixed my eyes on the one I came to touch. I knew, if I could just touch the hem of his garment, I’d be okay. – You’ll be okay too.
When I gave my broken heart to God, I trusted that God “really saw” my heart.
Making my way to Jesus was the easy part. He’s always there. Always open and ready. The hard part was believing he’d accept what I had in my hands.
This broken heart of mine didn’t look very pretty. It was marred and cracked; some pieces barely recognizable. But God… He saw me, not as I was, but as I was in His hands. And, in His hands, I am a beautiful work of art.
I am a masterpiece designed by a brilliant creator, a usable vessel made for good works. God sees me complete. He specializes in the broken. – Friend, God sees through your brokenness.
When I gave my broken heart to God, I have Him the most valuable thing I had.
You see, my heart may have looked rugged and bruised, but it was the most valuable thing I had. Those bruises came with a cost.
There were so many things I could have done with my brokenness; so many people waiting to use and abuse the broken in me. Instead, when I placed it in God’s hands, I chose to trust that He knew what to do with my heart.
It was my present, but it was also my future. And, now it was His. He was the only one I trusted with the open wounds of my heart. This was the costliest of oils, and I delighted in presenting it to Him.
When you give God your heart, you’re choosing to give him the most valuable thing you have. He knows how to take care of it.
Trust God with your brokenness.
Forget about the onlookers.
You ARE enough. Forget about the noise. You don’t need to be “worthy.” There’s no standard that needs to met first. Come as you are.
Trust that God “really sees” you.
God knows you better than you know yourself. He knew where you’d be before you did, and He knew you’d be presenting this tiny offering to Him. Trust Him. He sees you as you are in His hands.
Give Him the most valuable thing you own.
Give God your brokenness. He knows how to multiply it and feed the masses. God’s hands are the best place for broken things. He’ll give you beauty for ashes.
Here’s my prayer for you today.
Lord, bless my friend. Comfort her, and allow her to feel your presence. Lord, brokenness is nothing new for you. I ask that you mend and mold. Restore purpose, and ignite a passion inside of my friend as she trusts in You. Lord, you are good. Your mercy endures forever.
Friend, I hope you remember these truths I’ve spoken to you today. Forget about the onlookers, trust God, and give Him the best you’ve got. He is the great redeemer and He LOVES you.
©Rachel Blado www.OnTheWayToWhereYoureGoing.com All Rights Reserved.

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