When someone looks at me and tells me, “God will turn all things around for your good,” and they start mentioning silly things like, financial blessing, fame, or some other worldly fortune, I look at them and realize they haven’t lost enough yet.
All the Stuff
They’re sweet, and I appreciate them, but they haven’t a clue what deep loss is. How do I know? Because they still put importance in the ridiculous things of this world. Because they think I care about one or more of the things they just mentioned. I seriously don’t. Or, as Paul says it, “ I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” (Phi. 3:8) None of the other stuff matters.
See the Who
“God was honored to have Job pray over his friends and promised to hear his prayer because, through his pain, Job realized who God really was.”
I believe the good happens at the moment we see Christ in the circumstance; not as you saw Him before, but when you really see Him. Many people think Job’s life turned around after he prayed for his friends.
And the Lord restored the fortunes of Job, when he had prayed for his friends. And the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.
Job 42:10
I believe differently. Job 42:5 explains it all when Job says to God,
My ears had heard of you, but now my eyes have seen you.
Job 42:5
God knew all along that Job would find Him in the midst of the trial. Really find Him. God was honored to have Job pray over his friends and promised to hear his prayer because, through his pain…
Job realized who God really was.

The Place for Broken Things
“The pain will try to break you. Sometimes, it does break you. It’ll snap you in half with a flip of it’s little finger. But, can I tell you, there’s no better place for broken things?”

The death of Job’s children was a bad thing. But, the pain turned out to be a good thing. God uses our pain. It’s possible to be joyful in pain. Often, it’s simply obedience. The pain will try to break you. Sometimes, it does break you. It’ll snap you in half with a flip of it’s little finger. But, can I tell you, there’s no better place for broken things than the hands of our Heavenly Father? God uses broken. He’ll use the pieces of your pain to feed a multitude. To restore hearts. To transform.

The Good Things
“I’m convinced that the “good” that God brings from the horrific things in life is seeing Him more clearly. Everything else I count as dung.”
When I think about the stories I see around me, I see good things coming from pain. My friend, Liz, who lost her son in 2016 has touched thousands with her educational forums.
Sue, understands the pain in a foster child’s heart who appears to be acting out. Though that child has left an imperfect place, it was their place. Sue, who experienced the stillbirth of her little one, can comfort this child like no other. She knows what a broken heart feels like. Her compassion for that child can reach much deeper than others.
Pastor Brian saw something in my child one day at school and called him in for counsel and encouragement. You see, Brian saw exactly what he himself had experienced, and my child couldn’t hide the pain from him. What was oblivious to others, Brian spotted instantly. This was only true because of the pain Brian experience through the loss of his daughter.
Someone was referred to me for encouragement. I realized, during the first conversation, that I wasn’t the one to walk beside this dear woman during her time of grief. One day, while speaking to my friend Cindy, I explained that my pain wasn’t the same. Cindy’s help was needed because her pain went deep enough in that particular area. Cindy has counseled hundreds of people through the pain she experienced raising and losing a child who struggled with mental heath symptoms.
I’m convinced that the “good” that God brings from the horrific things in life is seeing Him more clearly. Everything else I count as dung.
Joy in Obedience
“These lessons are feeding multitudes because they’re being “trusted” in the right hands.”
So please don’t tell me that my child’s death was good. Don’t tell me that I needed it for a plethora of “things” to come my way. No. Something really bad happened, and God is so graciously seeing me through. And, in that going through He’s creating me anew. During the wait, I’ll do my best to see Him and, as Job did, tell the truth about who God is. I’ll walk in simple obedience, because sweet joy is found in obedience. Along the way, I’ll always remember my child and know that each step of the way I’m bringing along the lessons learned from his love. These lessons are feeding multitudes because they’re being “trusted” in the right hands.
“Remember your purpose. Reach down and lend a hand, touch a heart, mend a soul.”
So, in the midst of it all, look up to see the one who placed the star. It’s still there. Look down to see the one who’s holding you. He’s more than able. Look back to remember all He’s brought you through. He’s faithful and true. Look forward to see where He’s leading you. Where you are is temporary. Look around to see the hearts longing for more. Remember your purpose. Reach down and lend a hand, touch a heart, mend a soul. This is where you’ll find simple joy; loving God, loving others, and showing others how to love God. Everything else, I count as dung.
Feeling alone? Don’t give up. Look up. — Each one of the people mentioned above lost a precious child. They made it through. They each love God, are involved in some form of ministry, and are being used greatly to change this world. If you feel broken, that’s okay. There’s no better place for broken things than in the hands of our Heavenly Father.
©Rachel Blado www.OnTheWayToWhereYoureGoing.com All Rights Reserved.

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