After the loss of my son, I was torn. My heart was conflicted, and at times, I sincerely felt I was going crazy. I wish there had been a grieving mother’s diary I could take a peek at. I needed to know that I wasn’t losing my mind, and I was perfectly normal. Are you looking for a diary for grieving parents?
You can peek at my sample writings here:
Here’s how I did it.
I didn’t keep an actual diary. It was too much. The thought of a huge clean slate felt exhausting. Instead, I started out with a few pieces of paper, and wrote simple things I knew I wanted to remember. That was all I could do.
Soon, I began using a calendar. I’d scribble something simple in the blocks.
“Went to the grocery store for the first time.” “Josh got more mail.”
I’m glad I wrote. Even if it was something tiny. Every new memory I could make with connection to my son was worth more than I could express.
What you’ll find here is a sample collection of my writings that I slowly began sharing with those around me.
If you’re in the unfortunate spot of needing a diary to peek at, this place is for you.
Blessings to you, my friend.