If I could tell you how much this guy is missed, I would. But, that’s impossible to convey with words. I miss him more than I could possible explain. As I type these words, more than 2-1/2 years after his death, a tear slides down my face. I am happy. I enjoy my days, but there’s something deep within me that can’t bear to type these words.

Josh was an out-of-the-box thinker, creator, and leader. He was kind. He was smart. And, he vowed to rule a little piece of the world one day.

He was a hard worker and was motivated beyond belief. He was an old soul who seemed well beyond his years.

Josh loved picking your brain and indulging in lengthy conversations, of which he always had the last word. He was funny, a trickster, and a good friend. He is MISSED.

At the time of his death, Josh was starting a photography venture, learning to invest in stocks, reading about the world of real estate, all while working and attending college. He was an avid reader. One of the three books he was reading at the time of his death was Outliers. It seemed to fit him well.

The morning of Josh’s death, he was to attend a specialized training, he’d independently signed up for. Unfortunately, he never made it. He didn’t wake up that morning. Death had made a surprising visit.
Thank you for being here. Though I know I’m never alone, it is always nice to have a friend like you here. Let’s walk together on this journey of ours.