Momma, you’re not crazy. This is the grief of losing a child.
Ever hurt so much you’re convinced it can’t possibly be normal?
Ever retrace your steps wondering why you did what you did?
Ever wonder what your child was really thinking during their last seconds?
Is This What Losing a Child Feels Like?
Cry in public?
Cry in the car?
Cry in the shower, cooking, watching tv… cry everywhere?
Ever wonder if you’re losing it?
related post: dealing with guilt after child loss

Is This What Losing a Child Feels Like?
Ever feel like you could of done better?
Want a redo?
Need to rewind time?
Do you ever wish, just for one second, that you could switch places; your life for theirs?
Ever wonder why God allowed this? Could He possibly think you’re strong enough for this?
Is This What Losing a Child Feels Like?
Ever wonder if you’ll ever be the same?
Will you smile the same again?
Will you laugh as loudly or carefree?
related post: secondary losses after child loss

Will you see the world the same? Will you want to?
Ever peak in the mirror and wonder who’s staring back at you? Ever wonder where you went?
Ever feel like you lost more than your child?
related post: why i didn’t know i needed you as a bereaved mom

Ever feel alone?
Every wonder, “Am I going to be okay?”
“Does life get better?”
It does… eventually.
Wondering if you’re the only one feeling any of this after year 1, 2, or 3? You’re not.
👉🏾You’re not alone.
And, you’re not the only one who’s had these thoughts, that at times seem as though they’re on replay.

You are not unSEEN, unHEARD, nor unLOVED.
There’s an army of us walking this world together. We are wounded, yet we continue. And, when we see another, we weep with them, we wipe a tear, and we wait for them to say, “I’m ready.” I’m ready to take another step.
You’re not alone, Friend.❤️
© Rachel Blado All rights reserved.
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