“Stop knocking down the tower because it looks crooked. Stop tearing up your drawing because it’s not symmetrical.”
Aren’t you tired of starting over? At the beginning of every year, millions of people declare they’re starting over. They’re turning new leaves, writing new pages, and finding their new self. They’re throwing it all away. Out with the old in with the new. Why? – Don’t start over. Move forward.
Instead of starting over, why not decide to carry some beautiful things forward? Why leave them behind? Why not grow and build upon them, with a sweet sense of comfort; knowing these things helped mold you into who you are today? By the way, you’ll need these lessons where you’re going.
Don’t start over. Move Forward.
Stop knocking down the tower because it looks crooked. Stop tearing up your drawing because it’s not symmetrical. Stop throwing out hard lessons learned because you had a sucky year. Stop wasting your pain.
Instead, sit with it for a second. Have a conversation with pain about the gifts it brought you. Decide to be brave and bold. Learn, grow, sprout… move forward, Friend. Stop starting over!
Recognize your potential.
Who wants to constantly start over at ground zero; constantly the intern? It’s time to realize the tools you have in your tool belt. You’re NOT the newbie. You’ve gained some experiences this year. Regardless how bad or embarrassing they may have been, you’ve gained something. In fact, you might just be a pro at falling down and getting back up. And that’s okay. Actually, it’s more than okay. It’s wonderful!
You are a survivor!
You kick butt!
You know how to do this thing called life! (… at least a little better than you did before.)
Because you’ve lived it. Life isn’t about sitting at ground zero. It’s about getting up and walking, regardless how many times you stumble.
This is life.
This is your life. You can decide to stay where you are, constantly starting over because things didn’t turn out the way you’d hoped. Or, you can decide to keep moving forward, carrying the beautiful lessons and gifts, gained along the way, with you. It’s your choice. But, it’s a choice.
Here are some things I want you to remember:
- There’s no going backwards in life. Whether you decide to move forward or not, time is always moving forward. Don’t be left behind.
- Life is imperfect. You can “start over” a millions times, and you’ll never get everything perfectly positioned. Get comfortable with a little bit of imperfection, and allow your confidence to make those crevices shine like diamonds.
- Life is full of mountains and valleys. If you find yourself sliding down the side of a mountain one year, don’t determine to start over the next year. Guess what? You’re still in the same valley! Stop. Starting. Over. – Instead, determine to move forward step-by-step, no matter how long it takes. Moving forward is the only way you’ll get to the mountaintop.
What does moving forward require?
Moving forward requires movement. Imagine a simple walk to the mailbox. It requires getting up from where you are and putting two feet in front of each other consistently. Eventually, you’ll be at the mailbox.
Many people are excited at the end of a year because they believe things will suddenly change. They think they’ll be happier, skinnier, smarter… better. But, months later, they find themselves stuck in the same old valley.
Constantly starting over does nothing. It gives you the illusion of false improvement without the movement. It keeps you stuck!
You’ve started over a million times before. The problem isn’t your starting point. It’s your walk. You need to check how you’re walking.
What does it look like to move forward?
Now, imagine that walk to the mailbox again.
This time, you’re in unfamiliar, rugged terrain, while wearing blinders. Guys, that’s what life is like. You’ve never done this before. You get one rodeo, and sometimes the bull is wild. Obstacles seem to hit you out of nowhere, and you never know when you’re going to fall in an unsuspected pot hole. This. Is. Life.
Your blinders are in position. You step forward. You take another step. And another. Whack! Out of nowhere, something came and knocked you down. You decide to start over from square one. And again.. and again. Friend, you’ll NEVER make it to your destination, if you keep starting over!
Forward movement means you get up from life circumstances, right where you are, and you keep going. Don’t start over. Keep going! (No matter how long it takes.)
“Constantly starting over does nothing. It gives you the illusion of false improvement without the movement.”

How do you move forward?
1 – Create a desire to get to your destination.
There’s something in that mailbox. Perhaps, it’s your next life assignment. You need to get there, Friend.
2 – Acknowledge where you are currently.
Take a long, hard look at where you are… and be HONEST. Stop lying to yourself about where you are. You can’t leave a place you never were.
3 – Look in the toolbox of your life.
You know, all that stuff you keep trying to leave behind? Look in there and see what good you have… then, bring it forward with you. Stop leaving your lessons behind! Your mistakes taught you something.
4 – Don’t travel alone.
Enlist a friend, two, or three to go on this journey of life with you. Let them know you’re tired of starting over. You’re determined, no matter how long it takes, to get to the proverbial mailbox.
5 – Throw out perfection and execute.
Nobody cares how you look doing it. Just do it… and do it consistently. And, when you fall, which you will… get up and keep going.
You’ve got this! I can’t wait to walk alongside you.
©Rachel Blado www.OnTheWayToWhereYoureGoing.com All Rights Reserved.

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