“The truth is, I wasn’t thankful. I wasn’t grateful that my child died. I wasn’t grateful that I was still here. And, everything I had reminded me of what I was enjoying, when it should have been my child who was enjoying it.”
Has anyone ever told you to just give thanks? Be grateful.
At least you have …
a roof over your head
food on your table
your health
your family
or a myriad of other things.
Ever see those “Be Grateful” posts where everyone’s commenting what they’re grateful for?
I’m grateful for my …
Coffee. I can’t live without it!
Mani-pedis. A girl needs her girl time.
Chik-fil-a! Starbucks! They’re my people.
And you roll your eyes and think, “Only in America.”
But, seriously…
what happens when you don’t have a roof over your head, your body’s riddled with cancer, and you’ve been given a month to live? Your family’s in disarray. And… to top it off there’s no Chik-fil-a or Starbucks for 40 miles?
“No one who’s lost a child cares about mani-pedis! The infamous November “Thankful” list were laughable to me.”
Sometimes you don’t want to be thankful.
Many people act like you have to sit and think about a bunch of random “things” for which to be thankful. In my experience, that’s just not the case. That kind of thankfulness will only get you so far. There was a time, after losing my son, when I was trying desperately to find something to be thankful for. Everything seemed so stupid. No one who’s lost a child cares about mani-pedis! The infamous November “Thankful” list were laughable to me.
The truth is, I wasn’t thankful. I wasn’t grateful that my child died. I wasn’t grateful that I was still here. And, everything I had reminded me of what I was enjoying, when it should have been my child who was enjoying it. I didn’t want to be grateful. I didn’t want to be happy. And I didn’t want all the stuff I didn’t deserve.
Guys, there are going to be times when it hurts; times when life just isn’t fair. There will be times when you feel your grumpiness is warranted and is actually a way for you to tell the world that you think the whole situation stinks. So, what do you do when you can’t be thankful in the midst of hard times?
When you can’t be thankful in the midst of hard times.
Talk to God. That’s it? Yeah, that’s it. Talk to your Father.
But, I’m mad. I know.
But, I don’t want to be thankful. I know.
But, I don’t have a list of “things.” Don’t need one.
When you talk to God, something happens. He doesn’t require that you have a list. As you enter into His presence, He’ll make the list for you. And, it’ll probably look quite different than the list you think you’re supposed to have.
What should you talk about?
“You could be sick or healthy; rich or broke. Happy or sad. Just do it.”
There are tons of things to talk to God about. But, since we’re talking about thanksgiving, let’s see what the Word says. Psalm 136:1 keeps it pretty simple. It says, “Give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good.” You know what I like about this verse? It has nothing to do with us. Yep! Whew! The pressures off.
You mean my life could be in complete shambles? Yes, girl! Yes, sir! Complete shambles!
I challenge you, when you talk to God during this Thanksgiving season, that it has nothing to do with your stuff: your house, your car, your nails, or your favorite beverage. You could be sick or healthy; rich or broke. Happy or sad. Just do it.
Just do it.
The key isn’t about being in the right position to be thankful. It’s not about having the right thank-you list. Its about action. Just do it. Do it when you don’t feel like it. Do it when life sucks! Do it when you can’t think of one thing to be thankful for. Just say, “God, I don’t know what to say. I’m angry. I’m hurt. I feel shorted, and I don’t understand. But, your word says you’re good, and I believe it. Lord, I thank you that you’re good.” Then, breathe. Relax. And know, you did it.
You know who else knows? God knows. He knows you tried, and He’ll honor that effort. He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever.
Need help praying in the midst of hard times?
I’ve made of list of short prayers to pray for the next 28 days. Feel free to use them as a guide. You are certainly free to add to them. As people post their thankful list, don’t be shy. Don’t be afraid to post yours each day. It’s okay. God will honor your faithfulness and obedience. You CAN do this. Let’s be thankful together. For, surely He is good… even when life sucks.
Hey, let someone know that they’re not the only one going through something tough this season. Share this post, and encourage them to do this with you. – Walk beside your person this Thanksgiving season!
Day 1 – Lord, teach me your BIGNESS. Show me how big and awesome you are. Remind me that you are the creator of all things. The winds and the waters obey you. You are great! Thank you, Lord, for loving me. Thank you for seeing me. I love you… even when life is hard.
Day 2 – Lord, thank you for Truth. Thank you that truth doesn’t change in the midst of my pain or unfortunate circumstances. Thank you that I can stand on the secure Word of God. My faith and my hope is in you. I love you, Lord.
“Just do it. Do it when you don’t feel like it. Do it when life sucks! Do it when you can’t think of one thing to be thankful for.”
Day 3 – Lord, thank you for those who’ve gone before me. Thank you for their stories. Their stories of being stuck between an army and the sea, or being met with a land of giants, encourage and strengthen my faith. They reassure me and let me know that, in this life, we will all face adversity. It doesn’t mean we’re doing anything wrong. Sometimes, it means we’re right where we’re supposed to be, remembering the promise, fighting the battle, and leaning on you. Thank you for the shared stories of faith, in times of trouble.
Day 4 – Lord, thank you for those walking beside me. Sometimes, I feel all alone, like there’s nobody left but me. But, I know I always have people walking alongside me. You are faithful. You will never leave me. Lord, open my eyes, like you did the young man, at Elisha’s request. Open my eyes so I can see those all around me, fighting on my behalf. Oh, Lord. I am never alone. You are my shelter and hiding place. Thank you for those walking beside me.
Day 5 – Lord, I pray for the child whose heart hurts. I pray for the child who feels alone. Whisper into their spirit today. Show them that they are loved. Heal what is broken. I trust you, God. Thank you for being good.
Day 6 – Lord, please visit the adult whose heart hurts today. Allow them to feel your presence today. Minister to that little child within them that’s still hurting. Break them free from the illusion of captivity and remind them that they are free. You have made them free. Thank you, Lord. You are good.
Day 7 – Lord, I pray for all of those who are bruised and trapped. Heal the tender parts of their soul. Free them from offense and shame. Remind them who they are. Remind them who you are. Show them your BIGNESS. You have the power to heal the most broken of things. Thank you, Lord.
Day 8 – Oh, Father, my heart hurts when I write this. I come to you asking that you get the attention of those who believe they’re free enough to entrap others. This is not your design. I stand against this, in the name of Jesus. My feet are firmly planted and will not move. Lord, place a burden on the hearts of your children to protect those who are at the mercy of evil men. I come against the works of the enemy. He will not reign. Lord, I thank you that you are BIGGER than anything that could come against us. If you are for us, who can be against us?
“Just do it. Do it when you don’t feel like it. Do it when life sucks! Do it when you can’t think of one thing to be thankful for.”
Day 9 – Lord, touch the person who is walking in offense today. Melt their heart. Cause joy to spring up within their spirit. I pray that they allow a moment of clarity and grace. I pray that they give their offender the benefit of the doubt. Thank you, Lord for giving me grace.
Day 10 – I pray for those who’s lives have been limited by their schedules, instead of guided by their mission. Show them your ways, Lord. Remind them that this is not our home and things here will surely perish. Remind them to invest in the internal. I can’t wait to be home in glory. Thank you for preparing a place for me. You are good.
Day 11 – Lord, I pray for those whose mission seems invisible. They work tirelessly for the right reason; the right mission. Yet, no one knows. No one sees them. Show them Jesus. Show them Jesus when he was 12, 18, 21, 28. Imagine waiting 30 years to do what you were meant to do, while toiling hard in hidden preparation. Show them their savior. Lord, thank you for the unseen years. Thank you for the years of preparation.
Day 12 – Lord, please give endurance where endurance is needed. Provide energy and stamina. Revive those who are exhausted. Lord, I am thankful that when I am weak, you are strong.
Day 13 – I pray for vision. I pray that visionaries rise up. Leaders. Motivators. Encouragers. Lord, I pray that these people make bold steps forward into their calling. Thank you for overcoming fear and replacing it with courage.
Day 14 – Let the broken-hearted regain enough hope to dream again. Let their dreams pour out of them, unable to be contained. Lord, I pray that they dream again. Thank you for HOPE.
Day 15 – Somewhere, someone’s suffering for you, Lord. They’re away from their family. They’re imprisoned, brutalized, and forgotten. Help us to remember them. Strengthen them. Renew their strength and allow them to feel our prayers today. Lord, I thank you for the cross to bear. Let us not see it as a burden and let us not forget our suffering brothers and sisters in Christ.
“Just do it. Do it when you don’t feel like it. Do it when life sucks! Do it when you can’t think of one thing to be thankful for.”
Day 16 – Lord, send someone. Send me. Thank you for allowing me to be your hands and feet.
Day 17 – I pray for the supernatural. I pray for the blind to see. I pray for lame to walk. Lord, I pray for miracles. Cancer cells will shrink. Marriages will be mended. Promotions will be given. Hearts will be softened. Sins will be forgiven. You are the God of miracles, and you are the same yesterday, today, and forever. These feats are nothing for you. There is nothing out of your reach. I am thankful that I serve a mighty God.
Day 18 – Lord, bless me with position. Place me in the right spot to do the right thing. I trust you. I thank you that you are GOOD.
Day 19 – I pray for those who were unfortunate enough to be born in the “wrong” place. Help them to be seen today. Help them to be heard. Remind them of their worth, your providence, and the “rightness” of their place in this world. They are where they need to be for the time they were placed there. Geography is not bigger than my God. Lord, I am thankful that you make crooked places straight.
Day 20 – Lord, I thank you for your sacrifice. Thank you for leaving your home. Thank you for starting over, with nothing. Thank you for enduring the manger, the ridicule, and the suffering. Thank you for providing yourself as an offering.
Day 21 – Lord, thank you for new beginnings. Where I am is not the end of my story. You make all things new. You are good.
Day 22 – I thank you for work and fruitfulness. Thank you for giving me a task, even though you could easily do it all yourself. You delight in seeing me fulfilled. Lord, I will do my best to delight in the tiniest tidbits of work: sweeping the crumbs off the floor, folding the laundry, or whatever I put my hands to. Thank you for allowing me to enjoy the fruit of my labor.
“Just do it. Do it when you don’t feel like it. Do it when life sucks! Do it when you can’t think of one thing to be thankful for.”
Day 23 – Lord, thank you for accepting my offering. It’s so tiny. It’s cracked, scared, and worn, but still you accept it. Thank you. Help me to accept the offering of those around me, regardless how tiny and minuscule it is.
Day 24 – Lord, today, I offer my heart. It’s yours. I give thanks to you today. You are good. Your steadfast love endures forever.
Day 25 – Lord, I offer you my frustrations. I release them to you. I release the tension, the annoyance, the burden. I’m placing them in your hands, and will do my best not to pick them up. Thank you for being a carrier of burdens.
Day 26 – I offer you my hands. I will put them to work for the Kingdom. I will use these hands for love and not hate; serving and not idleness. Lord, take these hands of mine and use them for your glory. I am thankful that I am useable. What a good God I serve!
Day 27 – Lord, I offer all of me to all of you, out of gratitude and thankfulness. You are BIG. Who can contain you? You are strong, mighty, and capable. Yet, you involve yourself in the cares of my world, carrying my burdens and mending my heart. You delight in seeing me work, and accept my tiny offerings. You are patient, loving, and kind. Your LOVE endures forever. Bless those around me today. Allow them to see a glimpse of who you are. Be glorified today.
Day 28 – Lord, I don’t always know what to say. I don’t always know how to be thankful. I have no grand list. You see my life. You know how it is. Aint nothing grand to speak about. And… with what I’ve been through, I need something a little bit deeper than Dunkin’ Donuts to be thankful for. But God, you heard me. In all your mercy, you heard my prayers; these little prayers I didn’t even write or think of. And, you honored them. You accept the tiniest of gifts; the tiniest of gestures. You are with me. You care. You see me. Thank you.
Guess what?! You did it! I’m so PROUD of you!
God’s okay with repeats!
Don’t stop here! God’s okay with repeats. Really. Get a pdf copy. Put it on your dresser or side table, and repeat as often as you want.
Thanks for taking this prayerfully thankful journey with me!
©Rachel Blado www.OnTheWayToWhereYoureGoing.com All Rights Reserved.
Don’t forget!
You can get these daily prayers as a easy to print and save pdf. It’s absolutely free. I just ask that you ask someone to pray along with you. Everybody needs somebody… even when we don’t know it.

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